Last year video reflecitons
Alex Echo Group (34)
The concept of Alex Echo's group is very good. The go pro used throughout to many different people in different locations. I very much like the way they have used the bag cut away to change location and person. The locations they have used are very impressive especially Barcelona, therefore I believe the narrative side of the video is very impressive. However the performance side of the video could do with some practice but the overall video is good.
Alleyways (38)
This video was graded the highest in the year and also did very at the BFI media show case. I believe the music video that they have created is very close to real media products in how it is filmed and how they perform as a group. Their lip syncing especially the main singer was very good and she is a very natural performer
Hybrid Beauty (34)
This video was more of a narrative based video including some very good shots however I believe there is no actual slight story to the video and there are no landmarks established throughout. I believe they should also just stick to the one artist that is performing. There are good shots throughout also using the go pro underwater which is very effective. There is also no title identifying the artist or song which is important for promotional was for the media product. Although this is a group performance the song mostly comes across as a solo artist approach. Lacking artist identity.
Cosmo (39)
This is a very unique video which fits in very well with the genre he has chosen. He uses very good props wen filming and his performance is very good and unique matched to his genre. I also very much like how the whole video that is focused mainly around Cosmo not including any one else apart from a few shots. This was my favorite music video which featured.
Encoded (33)
The setting of the music video was very impressive such as the Encoded sign and the confetti which was used at the end this was very impressive. The lip syncing was also good in places however I did find the stage was used to much and shouldn't of come in till towards the end of the video. Also found parts of the shots were just used to fill gaps in the video and had no meaning behind them
Group 6 (36)
Very good shots throughout also including many different variety and using props very well especially lighting which is used very well throughout whilst using the white screen and shadow. Shot locations could be thought about more do not like the use of the park, however good performance in most shots. Lacking artist identity.
Group 7 (35)
The performance throughout is mixed but the shot locations and ideas that have been filmed are very impressive, the graffiti throughout the video and the effects used on the wall have been executed very well and improves the video, the time lapse is also a very good effect.
Group 8 (33)
Good variety of shots and how the artist is positioned in the shot throughout also with consistent performing. Dancing shots are good but very repetitive the video is just lacking something which would give it more marks. Lacking artist identity.
Group 9 (32)
Very much enjoyed this video good song choice to do the music video for, just lacking variety of shots comes across it was all filmed in one day and lighting could be improved or possibly just needs colour correcting. However performance was good which shows enthusiasm. Lacking artist identity.